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Jennifer Fisher Golden Attorney Lawyer

Jennifer Fisher Golden seeking the nominationfor
National Bar Association Vice-President

The Future of the NBA is Golden

Proven | Dedicated | Innovative | Leader |

Jennifer Fisher Golden National Bar Association


Jennifer Fisher Golden is a proven leader seeking your support and vote for National Bar Association Vice-President. With a track record of success in leadership roles and a deep commitment to the legal profession and her community, Jennifer is the best choice for NBA Vice-President. This website is the best place to learn more about Jennifer and her vision for the future of the NBA. Here, you can find information about her experience, accomplishments, and plans for the future. Thank you for your support!

Jennifer's NBA HerStory

In the romantic comedy Brown Sugar, music journalist Sidney starts every interview by asking her interview subject, “so, when did you fall in love with hip hop?” While preparing this statement, a similar question immediately popped into my mind … so, when did I first fall in love with the National Bar Association?


While sitting on a chartered bus en route to my first Women Lawyers Division retreat as a first time convention attendee, my crush on the NBA was born, and by the time I later sat in the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts watching Johnnie Cochran co-emcee the convention’s opening session, I was in full swoon. That evening, we honored civil rights trailblazers and revolutionary legal strategists who made my existence as a young attorney possible. As the only Black attorney in the global law firm office where I practiced, my first week-long respite with my new NBA family, restored and renewed me for the many billing hours ahead. (See the photo gallery below for a photo from that first convention and many other NBA activities!)

Since joining the NBA, I have been an active life member, benefitting not only from our educational programs, but also the opportunity to network with, learn from and mentor my peers, and the avenue for supporting social justice initiatives. During my NBA membership, I have been active in several sections, divisions, my region and three affiliates, including organizing and leading seminars, volunteering for committees and serving in appointed and elected leadership positions.

Today in the NBA

in the profession and the community

I am honored to be currently serving as Chair of the National Bar Association's (NBA) Intellectual Property Section and to have spent over 20 years serving our Association in elected and appointed positions, including Region IX Director, Chair of the Young Lawyers Division, Women Lawyers Division Member-at-Large, and on our Budget, Constitution & Bylaws, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Drum Major for Justice Advocacy Competition, Economic Empowerment Institute and Conventions Committees. Throughout my legal career, the NBA has continuously inspired me, restored my resiliency and provided the opportunity for unmatched camaraderie. I am an evangelist for the mission and importance of the NBA in the legal community and the professional life of Black lawyers. I’ve donated $10,000 to the NBA, recruited new members, and facilitated new law firm sponsorships.

In addition to being a life member of both the NBA and National Bar Institute, I’ve also had the privilege of leading in all my local NBA affiliates, as both an officer and life member of the Black Women Lawyers Association of Los Angeles, California Association of Black Lawyers and John M. Langston Bar Association.

  • American Bar Association | Past Business Section Fellow | Past Young Lawyers Division Board Member

  • Association of Corporate Counsel | Diversity Committee | Past Board Member

  • Black Women Lawyers Association of Los Angeles, Inc. | Life Member | Past Officer

  • Boeing Black Employees Association, El Segundo Chapter | Executive Champion

  • Boeing Law and Global Compliance Department Council for Equity, Diversity & Inclusion | President

  • Boeing Women Inspiring Leadership, El Segundo Chapter | Member at Large | Past Executive Champion

  • California Association of Black Lawyers | Life Member | Past Officer

  • California Lawyers Association | Intellectual Property Section

  • Corporate Counsel Women of Color

  • Grand Performances (dynamic outdoor summer concert series featuring various performing arts)| Member

  • John M. Langston Bar Association | Board Member | Life Member

  • NxtWork (organization dedicated to diversifying corporate boards)| Member

  • Program for Torture Victims (West Coast's only human rights organization restoring the health and human dignity of survivors of state-sponsored persecution)| Board Member

  • Public Counsel Leadership Council (nation's largest provider of pro bono legal services)

  • Silhouette of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.

  • The Gathering Spot – Los Angeles (membership club rooted in community and culture)| Founding Member

professional honors

  • 2023 NBA Women Lawyers Division Outstanding Corporate Counsel Award

  • John M. Langston Bar Association June 2023 Member of the Month

  • Most Influential Black Lawyers 2022 – Savoy Magazine

  • Boeing Law Department Public Service Award

  • National Bar Association Power 50

  • Los Angeles Times In-House Counsel Leadership Award | Enterprise Public Company Honoree 

  • Corporate Counsel of the Year Finalist – Los Angeles Business Journal

  • Rising Star Award - Association of Corporate Counsel Southern California Chapter

  • Woman of the City Club Award – City Club of Los Angeles

  • Nation’s Best: Top 40 Lawyers Under 40 – IMPACT and the National Bar Association

  • Excellence in Innovation Award – IMPACT and the National Bar Association

  • American Bar Foundation Fellow

Future of NBA is Golden_edited.jpg

Have you ever finished your plate at a family cookout or Thanksgiving dinner and been told to “keep your fork”? My pastor recently shared how being reminded to do this, always got him excited, downright hype! Despite the fact that you were already stuffed with tender ribs, crispy fried chicken and potato salad (because you knew who made it), being told to “keep your fork” reignited your appetite because it meant that something equally delicious, often something even better than you’d already eaten - perhaps a slice of Auntie Linda’s sweet potato pie, Uncle Fop’s famous 7Up cake, Judge Byrdsong’s banana pudding, or if it were a particularly good day,

Grandma Bessie’s legendary peach cobbler - was yet to come.


So, in that vein, one of the greatest assets I bring to the NBA is the experience I’ve gained in governance, fund development, membership retention and strategic planning through my volunteer and professional pursuits. As Vice-President, I will:

  • Immediately assess the area I am selected to focus on (either, Finance, Membership, Regions & Affiliates or, Sections & Divisions), to continue effective actions and quickly address gaps

  • Seek to apply sponsor cultivation and retention tools learned through my involvement in the NBA, and corporate counsel and nonprofit organizations, to strategically foster sustainable sponsor and partner relationships

  • Aim to boost the NBA’s connection to its members through providing tools for our affiliates, regions, sections and divisions

  • Work to establish member well-being programs to enhance our resiliency

Not unlike when you’re waiting for that peach cobbler with the Mississippi heritage, perfected in a Southside Chicago kitchen and enjoyed in the Southern California sun, I am asking you to keep your fork, because with my election and dedicated service, we can ensure our best NBA is yet to come. 

I am Jennifer Fisher Golden and I am seeking the nomination to serve as your Vice-President of the National Bar Association. I humbly ask for both your endorsement and your vote.

I truly believe that the future of the NBA is Golden!



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I humbly ask for your Vote
Chicago 2025

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Jennifer Fisher Golden,

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